Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Emotional intelligence

We all have heard many things about intelligence, that there are some intelligence tests that help to know what your level of intelligence is. However, not everybody know that there are various kinds of intelligence. One of them is emotional intelligence. It describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. So I would like to tell some aspects about it.
First of all, I would like to speak about emotional literacy. It is the ability to express feelings with specific words, for example: I feel criticized / unimportant / disrespected/ bored and so on. Emotional intelligence helps us to identify and communicate our feelings. Emotional intelligent people better overcoming difficulties and they are generally able to control their moods. What is more, it is easier for them to communicate, make friends or get close with others. Also, they are empathic for others, they better understand other people feelings, can support them and cheer up, when somebody is sad. So it is very important to care our feelings.
Secondly, I would like to speak about other important aspect, emotional needs. Speaking about it, there are five main groups of emotional needs. First is esteem needs, it means being happy with yourself, for example if your dream to have a family, getting married will make you happy. Second is a social need that includes the need of social acceptance, prestige and access to certain people. What is more, there is a spiritual need, such people need to believe that there is life after death and their existence has a purpose. And last is safety needs.
What is more, there are some emotional intelligence tests that show how much you are emotional. Personally, I have done one and results show, that my emotional intelligence is above average. It was mentioned that people who score like I do feel that their ability to understand and deal with their own emotions and those of others is just barely acceptable. In my opinion, such tests aren’t very high quality, because there were many similar answers and I was difficult to choose one. What is more, I think only person knows how emotional she or he is, because it is very subjective thing.
What is more, I would like to speak about feelings. It is impossible to count how many feelings are. However, we can make two groups of feelings: positive (amazed, confident, energetic, glad, inspired, optimistic, relieved, surprised, comfortable, fulfilled, thankful, trusted) and negative (angry, irritated, reluctant, annoyed, lonely, puzzled, helpless, nervous, uncomfortable, confused, embarrassed). Also there much more feelings, but is difficult to say all, because we are very dynamic and have enormous amount feelings.
So finally, I would like to say, that it is very important to understand our feelings and emotions and don`t be upset if emotional intelligence test will show, that your level aren`t very high, because only you know, how sensitive you are.


Psychology said...

I really like your ideas. Your article is very comprehensive. I was delighted. Very good conclusion and final advice. I would try to fallow it.:) I agree with you that such emotional tests quality is not very high and we should not believe them completely.

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