Psychology of conflicts
Everybody knows that unpleasant phenomenon, conflict. Conflict is a state of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people, which sometimes characterized by physical violence. It is a clash of two different tendencies that cause strong, unpleasant feelings. However, conflicts are part of our life that we can not avoid. But sometimes we forget that conflict has a good side also, it is a stimulus of changes and progress. During clashes we can know more about others and about ourselves.
Speaking about variations in conflicts, there are four different kinds of it: interpersonal, person – group, inter-group and internal.
Interpersonal conflict- it is disagreement between people that are reaching different goals, have different opinions and moral values. This conflict is in almost all spheres of human relationships – in family, organization or at work. Interpersonal conflicts are very emotional.
„Person – group” conflict – it is a clash, when personal and group’s motives face. It is caused by different views of person and group. The most common occur, when person does not care about group’s norms.
Inter-group conflicts – it is conflicts when groups interests, values and purposes face. It can be conflicts between school administration and teachers, between classes and so on.
Internal conflict - it does not have subject of conflict – neither persons , nor groups. Conflict is caused by different person opinions, values, needs, interests, ideals.
The most difficult kind of conflicts is internal conflict. Kurt Levine distinguished three kinds of it:
Desire – desire - conflict, when people have to choose one thing from two pleasing alternatives;
Avoidance- avoidance- it is conflicts, when person has to choose one thing from two unpleasant alternatives;
Desire – avoidance – when the same goal has two sides: good and bad.
Sometimes internal conflicts can cause phobias, depression or stress. When such kind of conflict is not solved out, person can have some psychological problems. It is very often, when person does not understand, that he has internal conflict. Sometimes this conflict can be hidden by euphoria or active work. If we want to solve out this problem, first, we have to realize that we have such conflict and then try to find the solutions.
What is more, it is very important to manage conflicts. So there two different kinds of conflicts management: constructive and unconstructive behavior.
Steps of constructive behavior:
1. When you hear a charge for you, let to say person all charges and do not disturb him.
2.You and your opponent have to concrete complaints, that it would be easier to understand situation.
3. You have to agree that opponent have right to say his charges. It does not mean to agree with charges, but agree that everybody have a right to express their opinion.
4. You should say your opinion about this situation with clear arguments.
5. Finally, you and your opponent have to analyze situation and try to find compromise. It would be easier, because after all these steps opponent calm down and think more rationally.
Also, there are steps of unconstructive behavior that are not as good as constructive one.
1. Disagreemant with charges.
2. Derogation of opponent.
3. Disregard of opponent’s charges
All these steps can make conflict more complicated; however, people often use these steps.
To sum up, I would like to say , that conflicts are not so bad if we know, how to solve it constructive or how to find it benefits.